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The Latest Updates On The Choices You Have With Your Money

Get on top of your record keeping

Get on top of your record keeping Effective and reliable record keeping is extremely important for small businesses. Maintaining organised records will help you to meet your tax obligations and will be extremely helpful in the event that you get audited. A good record...

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Can my SMSF purchase my investment property?

A common question that often comes up is, can my SMSF buy a residential rental property, holiday home, or house from me or someone related to me? The answer is no, not unless the property is business real property (a property used wholly and exclusively for business)....

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Family investment properties

The holidays are often a time that people reflect on ways that they may be able to give their family members a little extra help. With the price of Australian real estate continuing to climb, especially in capital cities, a lot of people are considering the challenges...

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A legally responsible Christmas

It is that time of year again, the holiday period is just around the corner and the excitement of the work Christmas party is setting in. End-of-year celebrations are an important way for employers and staff to reflect on the progress they have made as a team...

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