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7 Things You Need to Know About Self-Managed Super Funds
1. What is a self-managed super fund? A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a superannuation fund with a maximum of four members who act as the fund’s trustees and direct its investment strategy, giving Australians the chance to take a more active role in planning their...
What is Tax Planning? (Newsletter)
Year-End Tax Planning Strategies is the arrangement of taxpayer’s affairs or structuring of transactions which give rise to the minimum tax liability within the law without resorting to tax avoidance arrangement. Traditional year-end tax planning strategies involves...
ATO increase penalty units
There are now greater penalties in place for breaches of most Australian tax laws. The ATO has increased the value of a penalty unit from $110 to $170, the first such increase since 1997. A maximum of 5 penalty units for a very late tax return increases $300 to $850...